Connie Kulhavy
Indigenous Awareness Canada

Connie facilitates all of our Indigenous Awareness, and Métis Culture Workshops.

Taanshi. Connie Kulhavy was born in the Northwest Territories and is Métis; a mix of Cree, Saulteaux, Scottish, and French from her mother’s and Grandmothers and Grandfathers side and Czech on her dad’s side. Her mother is from Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan and her Great great Grandfather comes through Batoche and the Red River. Her dad from Minitonas, Manitoba. Connie grew up hearing snippets of stories about her mom’s family living in the Red River area, then moving to Batoche and learning about how some of her relatives participated in the Battle of Batoche and are buried there, to stories from her grandmother on her mom’s moms side born at the Saddle Lake Reserve in Alberta. ‘’I was always curious about my families’ stories growing up. I loved to listen to my uncles and my aunties talking about the old people. ‘’ Connie has visited Batoche a number of times and plans on continuing to do so. Connie has two daughters who were born in Quebec City and is married to a Métis man from her hometown of Hay River, NT.

Connie has worked in Education for many years in Nanaimo, BC. A major part of her work in schools consisted was supporting and connecting the Teaching Staff to Curriculum and Grade leveled Métis, Inuit and First Nations history and information. Some of her successes include the pilot project for ‘’ Me to We”, which is now a North American Aboriginal Leadership Program. Connie also facilitated and participated in a number of workshops sharing Culture for Teachers, Principals, Assistant Superintendents, Universities and Students and continues to do.

Connie Kulhavy

Recently, Connie was hired as an Artist in the Schools by the Nanaimo Art Gallery. Her love of connecting Traditional teachings to contemporary learnings shows in her Beadwork and Acrylic paintings of Birch Trees. Through these mediums, she is able to share stories of community, medicines and history of the Métis people. ‘’My favorite moments are when I see a child’s eyes light up after they see their artwork. No two paintings are ever the same and it is so great to see the high school students take on a Flower Beadwork project and proudly show their work.’’ Connie also teaches Traditional Métis jigs and reels and shares the history of the dance through books, music and spoons and has been invited to many gatherings and events showcasing these dances. Last year Connie and another Métis Artist received a grant to travel around British Columbia interviewing Métis people on their history and culture. ‘’I find though our stories are diverse, we have a common bond and that is our connections to our history and our need to find the missing pieces of the puzzles that make us unique in our Métis stories.’’

‘’As a Métis person, born into two world views, First Nations and European, I am the bridge between both worlds. I promote pride in our Métis Culture and facilitate connections to our History as Métis people. I believe that by learning and sharing our history in a respectful and positive manner, this will encourage better understanding to all our Relations.’’ All My Relations.